What should I do if accident happened?
If it happened in Hong Kong section: Please report to the Police and contact your insurer
If it happened in Mainland section: Please refer to information in Guangdong Association of Insurance Industry website
If it happened in Macau section: Please refer to information in Macau Insurers' Association website
Emergency Hotlines for three places
Hong Kong: 999
Guangdong: 110
Macao: 999
- When insurance claims are involved, car drivers/ owners shall contact insurance companies located in the place of the accidents. Alternatively, they may contact the insurance companies of their own places for enquiry.
如在香港路段發生: 報警及聯絡所屬保險公司
如在內地路段發生: 請參考廣東省保險行業協會網頁資訊
如在澳門路段發生: 請參考澳門保險公會網頁資訊
香港: 999
廣東: 110
澳門: 999
- 當涉及保險索償時,車主/保單持有人應該首先聯繫事故發生地點的保險公司。倘有需要,車主/保單持有人亦可向所屬地區保險公司作查詢。
如在香港路段发生: 报警及联络所属保险公司
如在内地路段发生: 请参考广东省保险行业协会网页信息
如在澳门路段发生: 请参考澳门保险公会网页信息
香港: 999
广东: 110
澳门: 999
- 当涉及保险索偿时,车主/保单持有人应该首先联系事故发生地点的保险公司。倘有需要,车主/保单持有人亦可向所属地区保险公司作查询。