Ageas Insurance Company
(Asia) Limited
Ageas as an Innovative Brand
Being an innovative, vibrant and forward looking insurance company, Ageas has launched a series of extensive creative marketing activities. To leverage on social media channels and deploying AR technologies to promote our brand, our messages of financial planning and the visibility of the brand are greatly enhanced.

Ageas is the first insurer to use QR and AR technologies to bridge the gap between traditional advertising campaigns and those running on a mobile platform. In this regard, we are successful in building a closer customer relationship by engaging them with these highly interactive platforms.

We have also empowered the "sharp end" of our business with technology by equipping our consultants with the Ageas financial planning app. This provides an interactive medium via which enables them to interact with clients to identify and act on their financial needs. Ageas has received several awards in Facebook and other social media, which recognise our success in social media strategy.

Ageas twin-neon signs are located across Victoria Harbour

Ageas launches various mobile applications to facilitate interactive discussion with customers

Ageas has leveraged on social media channels and deploying AR technologies to promote the brand