Solomon Yung |

Solomon Yung joined AIA in 2012, after graduating with a law degree from Bristol Law School, UK. Since joining the industry, he has achieved MDRT (including three TOT and two COT qualifications) seven times. He was honored with the “Agent of the Year” distinction at AIA in 2013 and 2014. He was presented with the 46th Outstanding Young Sales Person Award (OYSA) by HKMA in 2014 and the China Insurance Managers Association's China Young Insurance Elite Award in 2017. He was also conferred the Frontline Leader Award (Platinum) in 2017 and 2018, International Management Award (Silver) in 2018 and International Management Award (Platinum) in 2019 by GAMAHK.
Solomon's philosophy is “Insurance is a Form of Love to Every Family”. Insurance protection is of profound importance in the event of unexpected life changes. He believes in humility and authenticity, and that achievements should be shared and celebrated with gratitude. His vision is to train young individuals to become the leading group of insurance providers in the industry by instilling in them the right Attitude, Discipline and Persistence.